The Winthrop University Outdoor Education Center (OEC) has been developing teams
and groups since 1982, and during that time, it has served more than 45,000 people.
Considered by many professionals to be a teaching tool ahead of its time, the OEC
offers specialized group development experiences in an effective non-traditional setting.
Teamwork is essential! By sharing in new and meaningful experiences, participants
will learn more about themselves, each other, and their group as a whole.
Each workshop is planned around the specific needs and goals of each group. Programs will consist of a series of carefully selected activities and cooperative team challenges that will require full-group investment. Opportunities will also be given for intentional reflection and meaningful application of new learning throughout the program.
The OEC experience is one of learning and fun! Your team will be presented with challenges that will require communication, trust, teamwork, and commitment to group goals. It's more than a group outing — it's an opportunity for self and shared discovery!
Programs can be scheduled as half-day (3-4 hours) or full-day (5-6 hours).
To make an inquiry or to schedule a program, please e-mail