upcoming performances


All events will be performed in person. Events listed on the calendar below may be subject to change.

Don't miss an event! 

Some of our performances are live steamed via Youtube. Videos that have been previously livestreamed, can be rewatched on our ArtsWinthrop University Youtube Channel. We have an archive of over 140 videos!




We sponsor over 100 performances annually, most of which are free of charge and open to the general public! View our upcoming events calendar below. 

February 14
February 20
February 23
February 24
February 27 - March 01
March 04
March 09
March 11
March 25
April 01
April 03 - 09
April 05
April 05
April 06
April 06
April 06
April 09
April 11 - 12
April 12
April 13
April 13
April 15
April 16
April 22
April 24
April 25 - 26
April 27
April 28
May 04
May 09 - June 07
June 02 - 02

past performances


**Performances in the Student Series and Graduate Student Series are not posted until the recital hearing has been passed (usually 3 weeks prior to the performance date).


Ensembles Through the years...

Choralean example of studentsan example of student artworkan example of student artworkWinthrop Jazz Band 1981ensembleWinthrop chorus 1979pep bandcarnegie hallChoirs 2023Choir 1953lawn performanceWinthrop Band 1953




Lorrie Crochet, Ph.D.

Lorrie Crochet, Ph.D.

Chair, Department of Music, Professor of Music, Director of Bands

Office: 129 Conservatory of Music
Phone: 803/323-2255
E-mail: crochetl@winthrop.edu