At Winthrop, the printmaking concentration offers students a comprehensive technical
education in both traditional and non-traditional print media. The program fosters
a challenging and questioning environment that encourages students to explore subject-matter's
relevance to contemporary art and their personal interests, all while honing skills
through drawing and new software programs. The curriculum delves into the relationship
between image, color theory, material, and the multiple. Moreover, students gain insights
into the various applications of printmaking, spanning from fine art to commercial
and industrial fields. As a result, graduates have pursued diverse career paths, including
commercial screenprinting, digital imaging, graphic design, and careers as exhibiting
fine artists and educators in both high schools and higher education institutions.
Processes range from the traditional screenprint, intaglio, and relief, and lead to
experimental methods, working with materials like acrylic, zinc, copper, and photopolymer
plates to produce single and multi-plate artworks on various diverse surfaces beyond
the 2D. Throughout the printmaking pathway, students are exposed to historically significant
and contemporary artists from global communities, enriching their understanding of
the medium's potential, while developing their own body of work and research for senior