upcoming performances
All events will be performed in person. Events listed on the calendar below may be
subject to change.
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Some of our performances are live steamed via Youtube. Videos that have been previously
livestreamed, can be rewatched on our ArtsWinthrop University Youtube Channel. We have an archive of over 140 videos!
We sponsor over 100 performances annually, most of which are free of charge and open
to the general public! View our upcoming events calendar below.
Bicentennial Brass Pioneers: Arban and Kosleck
01.30 | 11 a.m.
Barnes Recital Hall
Cultural Event
Jean Baptiste Arban (1825-1889) and Julius Kosleck (1825-1905) are two brass pioneers celebrating their bicentennial birthdays this year. Join Dr. Elisa Koehler as she discusses the first professor of cornet at the Paris Conservatory (Arban) who wrote the world's most influential brass method book, and the godfather of brass chamber music (Kosleck) who was one of the first to play the music of Bach on an early piccolo trumpet in the late nineteenth century. Related issued discussed will include the cultural prejudice against brass soloists during the Gilded Age, the transition from military music schools to European conservatories, and the legacies of Arban and Kosleck that continue to influence trumpeters today.
Coordinated by Winthrop University Department of Music
Contact: music@winthrop.edu
Cultural Event
Guest Artist Roberta Rust
01.30 | 7:30 p.m.
Barnes Recital Hall
Cultural Event
Coordinated by Winthrop University Department of Music
Contact: music@winthrop.edu
Cultural Event
Master Class with Roberta Rust
01.31 | 2 p.m.
Barnes Recital Hall
Cultural Event
Coordinated by Winthrop University Department of Music
Contact: music@winthrop.edu
Cultural Event
Workshop: Notes from a Singer: How to Gig Successfully in this Economy- Dr. Fran Coleman
02.14 | 2 p.m.
Barnes Recital Hall
Coordinated by Winthrop University Department of Music
Contact: music@winthrop.edu
3rd Annual Celebration of Black Music History
02.20 | 7:30 p.m.
Byrnes Auditorium
Cultural Event
Admission: Free with any Winthrop University ID and $5 for general admission
Coordinated by Winthrop University Department of Music
Contact: music@winthrop.edu
Cultural Event
Anthony Padillo (cello) - Senior Half Recital
02.23 | 5:30 p.m.
Barnes Recital Hall
Coordinated by Winthrop University Department of Music
Contact: music@winthrop.edu
Carolinas Wind Orchestra Concert
02.24 | 7:30 p.m.
Byrnes Auditorium
Cultural Event
Coordinated by Winthrop University Department of Music
Contact: music@winthrop.edu
Cultural Event
All State Choral Weekend- SCMEA
02.27 - 03.01
Various Locations including: Byrnes Auditorium, McBryde Hall, Tillman Hall, Richardson Ballroom, and Barnes Recital Hall
Coordinated by Winthrop University Department of Music
Contact: music@winthrop.edu
Carolinas Wind Orchestra Concert
03.03 | 7:30 p.m.
Byrnes Auditorium
Cultural Event
Coordinated by Winthrop University Department of Music
Contact: music@winthrop.edu
Cultural Event
Symphonic & Wind Symphonic Concert
03.04 | 7:30 p.m.
Byrnes Auditorium
Cultural Event
Coordinated by Winthrop University Department of Music
Contact: music@winthrop.edu
Cultural Event
Hope's Garden: Melodies for my Mother; Grief's Journey in Song; A Faculty Recital with Dr. Kristen Wunderlich
03.09 | 4:00 p.m.
Barnes Recital Hall
Cultural Event
Coordinated by Winthrop University Department of Music
Contact: music@winthrop.edu
Cultural Event
Brass Night of America with Christian McBryde
03.11 | 7:30 p.m.
Byrnes Auditorium
Cultural Event
Coordinated by Winthrop University Department of Music
Contact: music@winthrop.edu
Cultural Event
Cameron Harrison & Deven Bailey (saxophone) - Junior Half Recitals
03.25 | 7:30 p.m.
Barnes Recital Hall
Coordinated by Winthrop University Department of Music
Contact: music@winthrop.edu
James Gragg - Jr. Composition Half Recital
04.01 | 7:30 p.m.
Barnes Recital Hall
Coordinated by Winthrop University Department of Music
Contact: music@winthrop.edu
Byrnes Auditorium Grand Reopening with Vince DeMartino (Guest Artist) Includes performance by Carolinas Wind Orchestra
04.04 - 04.09 | Performance times TBD
Byrnes Auditorium
Cultural Events
Coordinated by Winthrop University Department of Music
Contact: music@winthrop.edu
Cultural Event
Winthrop Day Byrnes Grand Reopening Performance
8 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Byrnes Auditorium
Coordinated by Winthrop University Department of Music
Contact: music@winthrop.edu
Winthrop Chorale & Collegiate Choir Concert
04.05 | 7:30 p.m.
Byrnes Auditorium
Cultural Event
Coordinated by Winthrop University Department of Music
Contact: music@winthrop.edu
Cultural Event
Rock Hill Music Club Scholarship Winners Performance
04.06 | 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.
Barnes Recital Hall
Coordinated by Winthrop University Department of Music
Contact: music@winthrop.edu
Carolinas Wind Orchestra Concert
04.06 | 4 p.m.
Byrnes Auditorium
Cultural Event
Coordinated by Winthrop University Department of Music
Contact: music@winthrop.edu
Cultural Event
Olivia Clifton (trumpet) - Junior Recital
04.06 | 7:30 p.m.
Byrnes Auditorium
Coordinated by Winthrop University Department of Music
Contact: music@winthrop.edu
Winthrop Symphony Orchestra Concert
04.09 | 7:30 p.m.
Byrnes Auditorium
Cultural Event
Coordinated by Winthrop University Department of Music
Contact: music@winthrop.edu
Cultural Event
Music in the Parks 2025
04.11 - 04.12 | 7 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Various locations including: Byrnes Auditorium and Barnes Recital Hall
Coordinated by Winthrop University Department of Music
Contact: music@winthrop.edu
Opera Production
04.12 | 7:30 p.m..
Byrnes Auditorium
Coordinated by Winthrop University Department of Music
Contact: music@winthrop.edu
Opera Production
04.13 | 3 p.m..
Byrnes Auditorium
Coordinated by Winthrop University Department of Music
Contact: music@winthrop.edu
Wren Thompson (percussion) - Senior Full Recital
04.13 | 5 p.m..
Byrnes Auditorium
Coordinated by Winthrop University Department of Music
Contact: music@winthrop.edu
Jazz Ensemble and Commercial Music Ensemble Concert
04.15 | 7:30 p.m.
The Edge, DiGiorgio Campus Center
Cultural Event
Coordinated by Winthrop University Department of Music
Contact: music@winthrop.edu
Cultural Event
Clarinet Ensemble Recital
04.16 | 7:30 p.m..
Barnes Recital Hall
Cultural Event
Coordinated by Winthrop University Department of Music
Contact: music@winthrop.edu
Cultural Event
Chamber Singers Concert
04.22 | 7:30 p.m..
McBryde Hall
Cultural Event
Coordinated by Winthrop University Department of Music
Contact: music@winthrop.edu
Cultural Event
Symphonic Band Concert
04.24 | 7:30 p.m.
Byrnes Auditorium
Cultural Event
Coordinated by Winthrop University Department of Music
Contact: music@winthrop.edu
Cultural Event
Music in the Parks 2025
04.25 - 04.26| 7 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Various Locations at Winthrop University
Coordinated by Winthrop University Department of Music
Contact: music@winthrop.edu
Wind Symphony Concert
04.27 | 4 p.m.
Byrnes Auditorium
Cultural Event
Coordinated by Winthrop University Department of Music
Contact: music@winthrop.edu
Cultural Event
Carolinas Wind Orchestra Concert
04.28 | 7:30 p.m.
Byrnes Auditorium
Cultural Event
Coordinated by Winthrop University Department of Music
Contact: music@winthrop.edu
Cultural Event
Academy of Music Recital
05.04 | 3 p.m.
Barnes Recital Hall
Coordinated by Winthrop University Department of Music
Contact: music@winthrop.edu
Music in the Parks 2025
05.16 - 05.17
05.23 - 05.24
05.30 - 05.31
06.06 - 06.07
Times TBD
Locations Vary
Coordinated by Winthrop University Department of Music
Contact: music@winthrop.edu
ST-ARTS Summer Program
06.02 - 06.20
8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Locations Vary
Coordinated by Winthrop University Department of Music
Contact: music@winthrop.edu
More Information
past performances
**Performances in the Student Series and Graduate Student Series are not posted until
the recital hearing has been passed (usually 3 weeks prior to the performance date).
Ensembles Through the years...
Lorrie Crochet, Ph.D.
Chair, Department of Music, Professor of Music, Director of Bands
Office: 129 Conservatory of Music
Phone: 803/323-2255
E-mail: crochetl@winthrop.edu