Server Side Nested Navigation Script


The purpose of the script is to recursively parse the files published to the production server to generate nested navigation structure reflecting the navigation.

An inital navigation file is loaded and parsed for <li> nodes.

Given the / starting point:

/ contents
<li><a href="/index.php">Home</a></li>
<li><a href="/section_a/index.php">Section A</a></li>
<li><a href="/about.php">About</a></li>

The script will simply render out the first link, then see the link to a sub-section on the second link and attempt to load the navigation file for that section.

/section_a/ contents
<li><a href="/section_a/freshmen_college.php">Why college?</a></li>
<li><a href="/section_a/freshmen_ready.php">Get ready</a></li>

The script will render out the links in the section_a navigation file and then proceed to the third link of the inital navigation file. This happens recursively resulting in the following output:

    <li><a href="/index.php">Home</a></li>
        <a href="/section_a/index.php">Section A</a>
            <li><a href="/section_a/freshmen_college.php">Why college?</a></li>
            <li><a href="/section_a/freshmen_ready.php">Get ready</a></li>
    <li><a href="/about.php">About</a></li>


The entry point of the script expects a query string parameter $nav to define the path of the navigation starting point. If no path is given / is the default.

$nav = (isset($nav)) ? $nav : "/";

The path is also converted to the servers local file system path.

$server_file_path = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . $nav;

You can set how many levels deep the script should process by setting the $nest_limit.

$nest_limit = -1;

Then the script initializes the variable $html as the opening root <ul> node.

$html = "<ul>";


The inital call to process_nav_file is then executed given the path to the first file


This function maintains the current nesting level upon entry and exit of it's scope:


If the given navigation file exists a regex pattern is defined to identify <li> nodes within it.

$regex = '/(<li[^>]*?>[\s]*?<a[^>]*?href="([^"]+?)">[\s\S]*?<\/a>[\s]*?<\/li>)/';

Using the regex callback function preg_replace_callback, each matched <li> node will be passed as the argument to a call to match_li. In other words, match_li will be called once for each <li> node in the navigation file.

if(preg_match($regex, $file))


A gloabl variable $html is mainted during the recursion containing the nested navigation HTML.

Another regex pattern is defined to determine if the current <li> node contains a link to a sub-section, that being a link ending in the default page name index.html|default.aspx or a slash /.

$regex = '/<li[^>]*?>[\s]*?<a[^>]*?href=\"([^"]*?\/)(index\.php)?\"[^>]*?>([\s\S]*?)<\/a>[\s]*?<\/li>/';

The current <li> node passed into the function is then tested with a regex to determine if it's a section link.

if(preg_match($regex, $li))
    $html .= $li;


Global variables are made available to the function scope.

global $html;
global $current_directory;
global $nest_level;
global $nest_limit;
global $processed_section;

The regex defined in match_li uses 3 capture groups so that portions of the section link can be copied into local variables.

$li = $matches[0];
$href = $matches[1];
$page = $matches[2];
$title = $matches[3];

The href value of the section link is translated into a server file system path.

$file_path = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . $href . "";

And we start off by allowing this section link to cause a recursive callback to the process_nav_file function.

$process_nav = true;

Many conditions will cause the section link to simply be copied as is without the file in the section this <li> links to being opened.

//check if file exists
    $file = file_get_contents($file_path);

    //make sure the file contains at least one <li>
    //so an empty <ul> is not generated
    $regex = '/(<li[^>]*?>[\s]*?<a[^>]*?>[\s\S]*?<\/a>[\s]*?<\/li>)/';

    if(!preg_match($regex, $file))
        $process_nav = false;
    $process_nav = false;  //no _nav in section

//check if this is the current sections index page link
if(!strcmp($href, $current_directory))
    $process_nav = false;

//check if class=ou-no-subnav within the li's node
if(strpos($li, "class=\"ou-no-subnav\"") !== false)
    $process_nav = false;

if($nest_level == $nest_limit)
    $process_nav = false;

//check if we've already processed this section before (cross-link)
if(in_array($href, $processed_section))
    $process_nav = false;

If all the conditions fail we can process the section's file.

Keep track of processed files so that they are only processed once.

if($href != '')
    $processed_section[] = $href;

The current link is rendered 'manually' instead of simply being copied from the file.

$html .= "<li><a href=\"{$href}{$page}\">{$title}</a><ul class=\"level-{$nest_level}\">";

Next the call to process_nav_file is executed moving this documentation to the process_nav_file section.

Last Updated: 8/7/24